Vaginal lifting with Vaginal Narrower threads

Vaginal lifting with Vaginal Narrower threads

Vaginal Narrower threads are used to repair the cosmetic and functional defects of perineum involving excessively dilated entrance to the vagina. These problems typically result from natural childbirth, perineal incisions and suturing.

Most patients decide to undergo Vaginal Narrower procedure due to deteriorated sexual life caused by excessively wide vaginal entrance, which is typically accompanied by cosmetic defects of the perineal area.

This procedure is also carried out in women who never had vaginal delivery or gave natural childbirth without perineal incisions and suturing. Patients with wide vaginal entrance often complain of increased vaginal discharge that irritates the perineal area, causes minor skin damage and secondary superinfections of external genital organs. Vaginal Narrower can successfully address this problem.

The treatment procedure consists of applying special sutures using patented Vaginal Narrower threads. The lifting effect on the tissues of the perineum is facilitated by small cogs on the thread.


● improved comfort and functioning of vagina and perineum
● enhancing the aesthetics
● minimally invasive
● fast healing and short recovery after a few days of downtime
● no need for hospitalisation
● carried out under local anaesthesia
● long-lasting effects that persist over the period of a few years

Contraindications and side effects

● acute inflammatory conditions of the vagina and perineum (procedure can be
performed after the inflammation is healed)
● hypersensitivity to anaesthesia (Lignocaina, Xylocaina)
● acute and rate blood clotting disorders
● menstruation bleeding or other types of vaginal bleeding
● neoplastic disease of the genital organs
● pregnancy
● early postpartum period when physiological postpartum uterine discharge

Complications following Vaginal Narrower® are very rare and are typically mild bleeding or infections that are not dangerous to health or life. No serious complications have been reported after Vaginal Narrower® procedure.


● Excessively dilated vaginal entrance
● Abnormal perineal tissue and muscle tension
● Anatomical and functional perineum defects after vaginal childbirth

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