PRP treatment

Treatments using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) demonstrate exceptional effectiveness and safety.
This is due to the valuable properties of the substances it contains. These treatments are non-invasive, and their effects last a long time. Since the procedure uses the patient’s own blood, it is often referred to as the “vampire lift.”

What is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Platelet-rich plasma, along with red and white blood cells, is a fundamental component of blood. Plasma is obtained by drawing the patient’s venous blood just before the procedure. The collected blood is then placed in a special centrifuge, which separates and extracts the plasma during spinning. It remains stable and sterile for approximately 8 hours, making it suitable for immediate use. This means it cannot be frozen, and each treatment is based on plasma freshly obtained before the procedure. PRP is autologous for each injection, meaning the plasma used comes exclusively from the patient undergoing the procedure.

Indications for PRP Treatment

The beneficial effects of platelet-rich plasma can be observed in the treatment of:

  • Hair loss and excessive hair shedding
  • Acne scars or burn wounds
  • Aging skin processes, as PRP reduces skin laxity and stretch marks

Technology Used in the Vampire Lift

PRP-based treatments are used in aesthetic medicine, dermatology, as well as orthopedics, cardiology, and ophthalmology. At the Sthetic Aesthetic Medicine and Gynecology Clinic in Warsaw, the procedure uses a specialized Density Platelet Gel kit, which includes certified tubes and a centrifuge. Thanks to this professional approach, Dr. Jagielska offers her patients comprehensive care, safety, and guaranteed treatment quality.

Steps of the PRP Treatment

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Venous blood draw
    Blood is drawn from the patient in a manner similar to standard blood tests. The quantity depends on the type of procedure being performed.
  2. Centrifugation
    The blood is placed into a certified tube containing a separating gel and anticoagulant. The tube is then placed in a centrifuge for 5 minutes, which separates the blood into red blood cells, platelet concentrate (PRP), and plasma. The platelet concentrate is used for the procedure.
  3. Injection preparation
    The PRP is prepared for injection. Before the procedure, the target area is numbed with a special cream. The plasma is injected intradermally using a fine needle, following the principles of typical mesotherapy. The PRP facilitates skin self-regeneration by promoting collagen production and stimulating stem cells.

Effects of PRP Treatment

The first effects are visible after about two weeks, though the plasma begins working in the tissues within 48 hours after the procedure. Visible improvements include increased skin density, elasticity, and firmness. Dark circles and puffiness under the eyes are reduced. After approximately three treatments, fine wrinkles are filled. For scalp treatments, results are noticeable after two sessions – hair becomes denser, and its condition improves. The procedure also smooths scars, such as those caused by acne, and enhances eyelid skin tension.

Possible Side Effects

Since all materials used are derived from the patient (autologous origin), the risk of intolerance or allergies is eliminated.



  • Price from 600 zł
  • Czas zabiegu 60 min
  • Częstotliwość 1 - 3

*Actual prices can be found in the Price List. The published price is not a commercial offer within the meaning of Article 66 §1 of the Civil Code.

Indications for the treatment:

  • Hair loss and excessive hair shedding
  • Acne scars
  • Burn wounds
  • Skin aging
  • Sagging skin
  • Stretch marks

Contraindications to the procedure:

Contraindications for PRP Treatment:

Standard contraindications include pregnancy and breastfeeding. The procedure is also prohibited in cases of systemic blood disorders, allergies to anticoagulants, malignant tumors, and during exacerbation of infectious diseases.

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