Cryolipolysis is a treatment used to destroy fat cells and reduce local obesity. The suffix “cryo” is derived from a Greek word which means ice-cold; in cryolipolysis, it is cold that reduces and eliminates excess fat cells. In fact adipose tissue is much more vulnerable to low temperatures as compared to other anatomic structures in the treatment area, exposed to extreme cold, such as epidermis, dermis, blood vessels, nervous system or muscles.

Ice-lipolysis is a non-surgical alternative to liposuction; it is a completely non-invasive body contouring and sculpturing method by reducing excess adipose tissue following exposure to low temperatures (cryolipolysis).

Proshock Ice is a non-invasive method to reduce obesity and fibrous cellulite based on an innovative and patented Iceshock-lipolysis technology. It combines controlled cooling system that eliminates unwanted fat cells without damaging the surrounding tissue – Ice-lipolysis – and high pressure acoustic waves – Shock-Therapy – effectively fighting off cellulite.

Benefits of Iceshock-lipolysis:

  • Non-invasive procedure: short downtime and fast recovery time; patients may resume daily activities and physical exercise quickly.
  • Painless: no discomfort is felt by patients during the procedure.
  • Safe: only adipose tissue is exposures to low temperatures, leaving the surrounding tissues intact.

  • No anaesthesia: the procedure can be performed in any medical setting.
  • Spectacular results: almost complete reduction of adipose tissue is visible in the target areas after just two weeks after procedure.


  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation
  • Artificial cardiac pacemaker
  • Acute infections
  • Blood clotting disorders
  • Liver or kidney insufficiency
  • Metal implants

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